Development of corporate identity for your brand

Corporate identity is the graphic elements, colors, other information and visual means used by the company in the development of corporate products. Packaging of goods, letterheads and branded envelopes, promotional materials - everything must be designed in a corporate style.

Projects & Ideas
Brand style design should be:
01 Memorable


02 Easily recognizable

Original label, own palette of colors and fonts, own style of presenting information.

03 Stylish, modern

To keep up with the times in design means to be one step ahead.

04 Scalable in editor

Design is a way of presenting information using such tools as graphics (pictures), typography (tex fonts), colors, composition, and all this should be displayed correctly everywhere.

  • An individual approach to the development of corporate identity, taking into account all your wishes
  • The ability to order services for the development of corporate identity both in a complex and separately
  • Unique logo
  • Selection of corporate colors for printing and displaying on computer screens
  • Creating a unique name for a brand or company
  • Selection or development of a corporate font for the company
  • Creating a slogan, brand legend
  • Create advertising texts, PR articles, etc.
Company branding

The term "corporate identity" (or "corporate style") means a set of distinctive visual elements, allowing you to stand out from your competitors. Design and development of corporate identity includes the creation of a logo, choice of colors and fonts, which will be used in the future in the creation of promotional materials, etc.

Corporate identity is often viewed as a collection of visual elements that are used in various applications in order to promote the image of the organization.

The concept of corporate identity is similar to what we mean by our own identity, which we we express through communication, and even by how we dress. It is the physical expression of a company's brand, an extension culture.

In this way, corporate identity expresses the personality of your business brand and distinguishes you from competitors.

Corporate identity development is an important step towards the development of your company, in today's market conditions, with presence of high competition.

Brand identity design should be:

  • memorable;
  • easily recognizable;
  • stylish, modern;
  • scalable in any graphics editor.

Development of the corporate identity of the company

The development of a corporate identity begins with a clear statement of your corporate values, business model and marketing goals. We analyze the Customer's industry, its competitors and target audience. It's done to put the right things in context. We strive to find a "zest" that can make your the brand is stronger and more relevant.

Coral media offers a full range of services for the design and development of your company's corporate identity. You You can order the services of designing, creating and forming a corporate identity. Corporate identity (identity) includes the development and formation of the company logo, as well as the development unique corporate identity design.

Businesses sometimes need to update their corporate identity. Most often this is associated with ideological change in the target audience over time, as well as with any other changes in politics company or world. Professional designers can help with drawing attention to the logo, impressive business cards, elegant letterheads, invitation envelopes, brochures and other corporate identity elements. Invest in your corporate identity by developing customer trust.

If you decide to order a corporate identity from us, you will receive:

  • an individual approach to the development of corporate identity, taking into account all your wishes;
  • the ability to order services for the development of corporate identity both in a complex and separately;
  • unique logo;
  • selection of corporate colors for printing and display on computer screens;
  • create a unique name for a brand or company;
  • selection or development of a corporate font for the company;
  • creating a slogan, brand legend;
  • creating advertising texts, PR articles, etc.

As part of the development of a corporate identity for a company, both package concepts on a turnkey basis, including a brand book, and the design of individual elements* can be performed:

  • logo;
  • A4 letterhead;
  • envelope;
  • business cards;
  • folder;
  • disk;
  • pen;
  • cup;
  • sticker, etc.

*Check with our managers for the cost of individual elements.



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