Outsourcing for application and software development Ukraine

Outsourcing for application and software development Ukraine. IT outsourcing has become a must for organizations that strive for value, innovation, and digital transformation. IT outsourcing involves the design, building, further development, and support of the customer's IT infrastructure by a specialized outsourcing company.

Services We Provide
  • Dedicated Team
  • Center Infrastructure Creation
  • Organization of Software Development
  • Organization of Software Testing
  • Support and Maintenance
Software Development Outsourcing

IT outsourcing has become one of the most effective tried-and-tested practices due to the perfect ratio between quality and service. These days, many companies, from giant corporations to brick and mortar ones, prefer not to hire employees, but choose a company to outsource with. We are an outsourcing software development company with a primary focus on delivering end-to-end software development services.

Making move to Ukraine and transferring IT production facilities there, Western companies can reduce their costs significantly, by 40-60%. Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv are ranked third and fifth among the most profitable cities for IT industry development.

The Dedicated Development Center (DDC) works on a principle of the contractual method and helps maintain the IT department remotely. It is built of a dedicated team of highly experienced Coral media engineers and software developers with a great deal of relevant knowledge, expertise, and insight into the issues. It uses the company's product knowledge base that meets all technical and security requirements and completely protects the customer's intellectual property rights.

Tailored to the specific needs of the Customer's business, the dedicated team is in many ways a continuation of his own resources and can even be managed directly by the Customer's project manager/coordinator.

Coral media is an award-winning company with a proven track record in software development outsourcing in Eastern Europe. We offer diverse outsourcing solutions, including the DDC model.



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+38(057) 761 — 57 — 20


Otakara Yarosha, st., 9A