Software support services

Software support improves the efficiency of existing information systems and also enables your future projects to meet business requirements.

  • SLA
  • Site support
  • Improve system performance
  • Develop and restore documentation
  • Backing up page content
  • Checking for malicious code
  • Filling site pages with content
  • Providing a mail service
  • Providing a domain name
  • Page Health Monitoring
  • Domain transfer from other hosts
  • Choosing the best hosting
  • Design the site and adjust its appearance.
  • Modernization and bug fixes.
  • Installing additional modules, improving functionality.
  • Replacing the engine and connecting a new CMS.
  • Early project optimization.
  • Fix existing errors.
Technical support and software service

Any tool needs quality care. Software as a business development tool is no exception. It requires constant technical support and maintenance. Depending on the development and expansion of the organization, software support becomes more and more difficult and often staff members need help to do this. Software maintenance (or support) is the process of improving and optimizing software (SW) before it goes into production. Software support is one of the phases of the software development process following the implementation phase of the main technical task. In the course of support, detected defects and shortcomings are corrected. New functionality is also added, changes are made to improve the usability of the program.

Software support includes work such as:

  • Fixing bugs and troubleshooting issues not previously identified.
  • Optimization of program operation under various operating conditions.
  • Updating and updating according to the requirements of the Customer
  • Preventive maintenance of information system databases.
  • Preparation of technical and user documentation.
  • Updating program modules and used libraries with modern technologies.

Software maintenance work is carried out in close contact with the customer's employees, which allows for more dynamic software development, quickly changing development priorities. It also reduces the time required to agree on a work plan, since additions and corrections are usually less global in nature than in the development of the core of the program. As a rule, the support and maintenance team has to deal mainly with the search and elimination of defects. We can say that the search and elimination of defects is up to 80% of the scope of work performed in the process of support and maintenance. This task is closely intertwined with the task quality assurance and testing . Coral media provides IT support services and optimization of information systems of enterprises, scheduled maintenance, as well as advice on work.



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